Tuesday 4 July
- Rehearsals with piano, Max Linder Hall (8 am to 8 pm).
- String-instrument-making exhibitions, informal meetings with music professionals (string instrument makers, bow makers, composers…), “Salon d’honneur” in the town hall of Saint-Girons.
Wednesday 5 July
- Rehearsals with piano, Max Linder Hall (8 am to 8 pm).
- Opening reception, “Salon d’honneur” in the town hall of Saint-Girons. (7:30pm)
Thursday 6 July
Max Linder Hall
Max Linder Hall
9:30 am: Drawing of the candidat order for Beginners, 1st and 2nd cycle candidats.
9:45 am: Performances of the Beginner candidats.
10:15 am: Performances of the 1st cycle candidats.
11:30 am: Performances of the 2nd cycle candidats.
1:00 pm: Drawing of the 3rd Cycle candidat order.
3:30 pm: Performances of the 3rd cycle candidats.
5:00-8:00 pm: Rehearsals with piano.
“Salon d’honneur” in the town hall of Saint-Girons
6:30 pm: Drawing of the Excellence candidat order.
6:45 pm: Results and prize award ceremony for Beginner, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle candidats.
7:30 pm: Cocktail reception.
Friday 7 and Saturday 8 July
Max Linder Hall
9:00am-1:00pm: Performances of the Excellence candidats.
3:00-8:00 pm: Performances of the Excellence candidats.
Sunday 9 July
Max Linder Hall
9:00am-1:00pm: Performances of the Excellence candidats.
3:00-5:00 pm: Performances of the Excellence candidats.
“Salon d’honneur” in the town hall of Saint-Girons
8:30 pm: Results and prize award ceremony.
9:30 pm: Closing cocktail reception.